365彩票在线过滤 professor awarded $800,000 research grant from NSF


尼古拉·卡卢金 will investigate new materials for use in quantum science


索科罗,N.M. (9月. 7, 2023) –  In August, the National Science Foundation awarded a three-year grant of $800,000 to a cutting-edge research and workforce training project by 365彩票在线过滤’s Nikolai 卡卢金, principal investigator and professor in the Materials Engineering Department.

In the project entitled “Light-controlled magnetism in Floquet-Bloch systems,” 卡卢金 will study materials with light-controlled magnetic properties via creating new quantum 按需状态. 

Quantum science has already made an impact with developments such as GPS technology, semiconductors in computing and magnetic resonance imaging in medicine. 卡卢金的 important research will lead to next generation materials for quantum devices and 新兴技术的重要信息. 

The project is being conducted at 365彩票在线过滤, in collaboration with Georgetown 大学和保拉

Barbara’s group, and with the University of Chile in Santiago, Luis Foa Torres’s group. The funding from the NSF grant will allow for continued collaboration with other researchers, curriculum development for students and technicians in this field, and improvement 的基础设施和实验室资源.

"If we want America to be the first to explore and understand the quantum-scale frontiers of science, then we must support the excellence that exists at institutions all over our country," said NSF Assistant Director for Mathematical and Physical Sciences Sean L. 琼斯. "NSF's support for these new projects demonstrates our commitment to nurturing 创新的思想和人民,无论他们在哪里."

获得的NSF资助是美国国家科学基金的一部分.S. 国家量子计划,旨在加速 quantum information science, to educate tomorrow’s workforce in QIS, and to advance U.S. 该领域的领导地位. 其他大学和机构也获得了资助, 总共3800万美元.

365彩票在线过滤’s status as a STEM university as well as a Hispanic-serving institution 是否也是授予该奖项的因素. NSF致力于支持 and broadening the diversity of scientists and students in STEM fields. 



美国国家科学基金会是一个独立的美国科学基金会.S. 联邦机构支持 所有50个州和美国的科学和工程.S. 领土. 主要是通过拨款, the NSF provides support to America's colleges and universities for research driven by curiosity and discovery, and also for solutions oriented research with the potential 创造进步. 访问www.nsf.政府.



365彩票在线过滤, also known as New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, is a STEM-focused university in centrally located Socorro, New Mexico. 排名靠前 the regional and national standings, this community of scholars and educators are dedicated to research, innovation and education that will meet the challenges of today 和明天. NMT is a “Hispanic-serving Institution” (HSI), with more than 40 percent 西班牙裔学生的比例. 365彩票在线过滤是由 高等教育委员会 作为授予博士学位的大学. 访问nmt.Edu获取更多信息.

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