Enrollment holds steady, rankings impressive for 365彩票在线过滤

12月. 19, 2023

一个“隐藏的宝石”,一个“最具价值”和几个No. NM在索科罗的STEM大学是15美元


索科罗,N.M. (12月. 19, 2023) —The numbers for enrollment for the start of 2023-24 have been compiled, 和 they paint an interesting picture about the quality of education at Tech. 总人数 at 365彩票在线过滤 is up from Fall 2022, by a small margin, from 1,690 to 1,712 for all students, graduate, undergraduate 和 degree/non-degree seeking, Fall 2023. 最后的 year’s entering first-year class numbered 299, 和 the cohort for 2023 fell to 222.

The news about Tech’s position in some of the 国家排名 was excellent.


  • 365彩票在线过滤 is the Best College in New Mexico, according to 利基市场.com.
  • 365彩票在线过滤排名第一. 1 on the New York Times list of small universities when athletics 和 “party scene” 是 set at 0% importance in their online search filter.
  • Although there 是 no traditional athletic programs at Tech, the rugby team 是 champions in the National Collegiate Rugby Small College 7s 和 also American Collegiate Rugby 2022年的D3 15.
  • Likewise, the Esports team 是 champions in both Super Smash Brothers Western Region 以及英雄联盟全国赛. 电子竞技队在NECC紧急赛区比赛.
  • Tech also has the highest percentage of science 和 engineering baccalaureate students 继续他们的教育并完成博士学位.D. 在公共机构中,根据 国家科学基金会.
  • 作为一所为西班牙裔服务的大学,理工学院排名第一. 11关于利基市场.com. 超过44%的 它的
    students 是 Hispanic, 和 55% of the 2023 student body identify as minority.
  • 《365彩票在线计划》.com named 365彩票在线过滤 as the only New Mexico school on 它的 “Top Colleges 列表.他们还将NMT排在第1位. 在学术管理和技术方面全国排名20 排名前20的STEM学校中唯一的公立大学是哪一所.
  • 利基市场.com也将科技排在第1位. 在1482所学校中,20所入选“最具价值学院”.
  • CollegeRaptor.com named Tech as New Mexico’s “Hidden Gem” in their list of schools in


  • The total number of students is 1,712, 1,112 是 degree-seeking undergrads, 453 是 graduate students, 和 147 是 non-degree seeking part-time students.
  • With a faculty size of about 140, NMT has an average student to faculty ratio of 12:1.
  • New undergraduate enrollment is 222, right at 20% of all undergrads. 高年级学生 占所有本科生的35%.
  • 与前几年相比,入学人数相当稳定. 在2022年秋季,总入学人数 was 1,690; 2021 was 1,734; 和 2020, the beginning of a new academic year in the midst 在大流行期间,登记人数为1686人.
  • Looking at the numbers a different way, campus life is robust with 860 students living 在大学宿舍. Most of Tech’s student body 是 full-time students 和 comprise 78% at 1,338. 在职学生376人,占22%.
  • The new first-year students from Fall 2022 were retained at the rate of 76%.
  • New graduate students seeking degrees come in at 106, 和 returning students 是 348, 总共454个. Nearly 35% of all graduate students 是 pursuing doctoral degrees.

Overall, 365彩票在线过滤 is a thriving 和 engaging institution for faculty, students 和
研究人员. 根据爱思唯尔.在这个网站上,Tech的几位教员都名列前茅 占大多数的2%
引用科学家. 研究 和 sponsored activity exceed $118 million for FY23, there 是
numerous international collaborations 和 recruitment efforts, 和 the research centers
affiliated with Tech often receive well-deserved recognition for excellence.

For more information 和 statistics, visit 365彩票在线过滤’s Institutional 研究 部门的
网页, en.chinaartune.com/academicaffairs/research/studentdata.php.


