This webpage is under development and is undergoing regular changes and review (most 最近更新:二月. 20, 2024).


365彩票在线过滤 政策 help to ensure coordinated compliance with applicable 法律s and regulations, to promote operational efficiencies, to enhance the Institute mission, 或者降低机构风险. 此外,新墨西哥州技术政策有助于确保 integrity and other fundamental institutional values that define the vision of New Mexico Tech, such as academic freedom, freedom of expression, shared governance, maintaining collegiality and citizenship, and upholding accountability for professionalism and diplomacy among administration, faculty, staff, students, other constituents and maintaining accountability to our accrediting and regulating organizations.  全新墨西哥科技 policies are found on this webpage, though most also found on various division and 办公室网站(e).g., academic policies are listed on the Office of Academic Affairs 网站).

365彩票在线过滤's 政策制定、修订及撤销政策,非正式地称为 政策上的政策, governs the development, amendment and rescindment of 365彩票在线过滤 policies.  As part of the process outlined in this document some draft university policies are 需经过15天的审查和评论期.   这样的政策草案被张贴在网站上 本网站(见下文).



Institute-wide policies are those that affect the broader campus community. 例如, those needed to operate 365彩票在线过滤 in compliance with state and federal legislation, such as campus health and safety standards, best practices in research, records retention, financial operations, and rules governing non-academic student behavior on campus.


Academic policies are those that are focused on the academic mission of the Institute. Examples include policies governing academic freedom, tenure and promotion, academic 诚信,学院管理和教师资格.


Some policies require approval 由 Board of Regents in addition to the approval 总统的. The President and the Chair of the Board of Regents determine whether 或者政策是否需要校董会的批准. 董事会通常会考虑 policies that govern the financial health and overall quality of the Institute.


Interim policies are needed when a policy must be in place and there is not time to 遵循本文档中概述的步骤. 例如,临时政策可能会 be needed to keep 365彩票在线过滤 in compliance with federal or state 法律s, or the 认证机构的期望. 临时政策只需要批准 总统先生. An interim policy must note in its title that it is an interim policy. Such policies are 由ir nature short-term, and should be replaced by regularly developed and approved policy within one year of their adoption.


If a policy or portion of policy conflicts with other Institute policy or with state or federal legislation, the higher ranking policy takes precedence, with the order of ranking, from lowest to highest: academic policy, Institute-wide policy, any policy approved 由 Board of Regents, state legislation, federal legislation. 如果没有政策 exists regarding a particular issue, the Institute must defer to state or federal 法律.


The final drafts of the following policy or policies are available to the campus community 对于最小的 15个日历日的审查和评议期. 任何正在审查的政策都将出现在本节中. 

目前,这些政策的临时版本已经到位.  建议的政策 were developed to mirror existing policies and procedures found in NMT's Employee 手册.  请就这些政策建议向 2024年4月16日,星期二,下午5点. 

政策 for campus community review will be posted here after approval 由 president or the appropriate sponsoring vice president or division director. 请参阅 365彩票在线过滤 policy and signature approval document listed in the next section 下面. After administrative approval, any policy under review will be posted here 由 传播与营销办公室.

"Policy for Closure 及暂停大学运作"

The Office of Academic Affairs has issued a draft policy titled "Policy for Closure 及暂停大学运作.“有时候天气会 延迟或暂停校园正常运作(例如.g.、取消课程 由于天气恶劣).  然而,问题来了,发生了什么 类和其他事件.  
Along with a draft policy that we would like to put forward to address such situations, we have drafted some guidelines (primarily for faculty and students) that will hopefully 当这些情况发生时,协助个人.  这些文件的PDF版本 能在网上找到吗 Policylink 在这里找到的指导方针 Guidelineslink.

365彩票在线过滤 employees and students are welcome to review the policy and send comments or concerns to Michael Jackson, 负责学术事务的副校长, 迈克尔 我们也欢迎你就建议的指引提出意见.  评论截止日期 星期五是2023年10月6日吗.  如果您想要任何文档的word版本 对轨道进行更改,请随时联系 迈克尔



365彩票在线过滤 Policy and Procedures Template and Style Guide



政策 and procedures are arranged alphabetically by Policy title and are listed under the 总统办公室 and the office of the Vice President or Division Head that is responsible for (the sponsor of) the policy and procedure.















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