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NMT Student Life

The Counseling Center



  Days and Hours 

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

咨询中心位于约瑟夫A. Fidel Center.The 入口在菲德尔外面,在建筑的西北侧,毗邻沃克曼. 我们与学生健康中心位于同一地点.

Schedule an Appointment

                          Scheduling an Appointment


我们要求通过电话575-835-6619或电子邮件提前24小时通知 counseling@chinaartune.com.  Students who miss two or more appointments (without providing notice) may be referred to community services should they require psychological care.


目前在册的NMT研究生或本科生至少注册 6个学时才有资格享受我们的服务. 最初的需求评估预约 is an opportunity for a clinician to determine if the services we offer are appropriate 满足您的需求,并让您决定我们的服务是否适合您.



I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. - Jimmy Dean

Mission Statement:

我们支持一个整体健康的环境,因为它与情感, inter-personal, and academic development of the entire Tech community through clinical 服务、外联、心理教育和咨询.


Building a skillful, inclusive community where students, faculty and staff are empowered 充分发挥他们的潜力.



咨询中心采用一个简短的,以解决方案为重点的咨询模式,其中 individual therapy sessions are offered on a short-term basis designed to help students manage immediate problems and provide short-term solution-focused therapy to facilitate adjustment to college. 这些服务非常适合解决最近出现的问题 或者可以相对较快解决的问题. 简短疗法通常是关于带来 成功会让客户意识到这一点,从而增加希望. The goal is for clinicians work as quickly as possible to facilitate adjustment, healthy functioning, 问题的解决,症状的缓解,情绪困扰的减少,并增加 学生们继续上大学,追求他们的个人, 更具体地说,是他们的学术目标. 学生想要和临床医生谈谈他们的担忧,但没有 considering therapy at the Counseling Center for themselves, may schedule a “consultation.”



新墨西哥州法律承认顾问之间的沟通 他们的当事人享有保密特权. 我们不会透露你的联系人 with us to your spouse/partner, your parents, professors, or anyone else without your permission.


如果您想请求将您的文件发送到其他提供商,请遵循 the procedure stated below. 如果你是7年前见过的客户, we are not able to provide this request as we are only legally required to save records 最后一次联系后七年. 

mental health awareness


Our emotional well-being can range from feeling good to struggling because of a situation 或者是抑郁症. 这些资源可以帮助你应对生活中的挑战, 练习自我照顾和应对,和/或寻求专业人士的支持.

I am feeling.. I am experiencing.. I am.. Lifes Transitions.. 

Click on the link above and it will take you where you can click on how you are feeling 或者体验,然后把你带到你可能会理清你的想法的地方 and feelings. 


Being aware of your overall health is important so that you can detect any symptoms 必要时寻求专业帮助. 而大家都熟悉熟悉 the symptoms and treatment options for common illnesses that affect their loved ones, 比如流感,偏头痛,或者(最近) COVID-19在美国,许多人不知道如何照顾自己的心理健康.

Is“I'm fine. And you?” really a proper respond? 10个本地用法帮助你变得更本地! | Insight Studio #1 |吴美玲| Next Thoughts | Medium

不确定你或你认识的人是否有心理健康问题? Experiencing 以下一种或多种感觉或行为可能是抑郁症的早期预警信号 a problem:


                                   Our Providers:

我们遵守新墨西哥州临床心理健康委员会的道德准则 Counselors . Crisis intervention is available; counseling is provided on-site by a New Mexico independently-licensed clinical mental health counselor (LPCC) and a New 墨西哥持牌心理健康顾问(LMHC).



    Counseling Center Staff 

Angela Gautier, LPCC 咨询中心主任 575-835-6619 Counseling Center Fidel First Floor 152 counseling@chinaartune.com
Andrea Jojola Office Manager  575-835-6619 Counseling Center  Fidel First Floor 150 counseling@chinaartune.com 
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