Mechanical Engineering

Department Research

Featured Research

“希瓦娜目前正在研究PMMA(聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯)是如何产生的 Methacrylate) fractures and how shock waves propagate through the solid. PMMA is an 工业生产的树脂,采用甲基丙烯酸甲酯聚合合成. It’s better known as acrylic or acrylic glass. To study this, she utilized schlieren imaging techniques to watch as the shockwaves spread through the medium." -Excerpt from article by Alexandra Sartori

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机械工程系的研究活动跨越多个领域,包括 航空航天,炸药,固体力学,热流体动力学,复合材料,结构 健康监测、飞行器设计、高应变率机械测试、机器人技术、 冲击物理,计算建模,可持续基础设施和顶点设计 education.

教师之间相互合作,也与其他部门的研究人员合作 比如土木工程、材料工程、商业和技术管理. 此外,一些项目涉及与来自中国的研究人员的外部合作 national laboratories and small businesses.

Projects are funded by federal sources (DTRA, NASA, U.S. Navy, NSF), national laboratories, and SBIR projects. The Mechanical Engineering department brought in the second highest NMT各院系在2019财年的平均研究经费.

-from Summary of FY19 Research Funding                     Click Here to Support MENG Research

Current Research

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